Reaching Maintenance - Yay!

Today saw us back at GOSH for a second attempt at starting maintenance.  Hugo's rosy cheeks had gone and his bloods were up a little, so we were hopeful that this time would be more successful.

False Start

So today we set off to GOSH for the start of the maintenance phase.

Hugo's bloods were taken on Friday and they were still a little low, but we'd checked with GOSH and they were confident they would increase enough over the weekend to allow us to start maintenance today.

Bye Bye Delayed Intensification

Delayed Intensification, phase 4, is over, woo hoo!

Unsurprisingly, Hugo and his daddy managed just fine with the blood transfusion. The colour is slowly returning to his cheeks and his energy levels that were so zapped during phase 4 are on the up again.

A New Kind of Strength

So, as predicted, Hugo needs a blood transfusion.  He's done well to get through Christmas and into the new year, but his luck has run out and it's a visit to our local hospital for him today.  Henry has a trip for his birthday to see the musical The Lion King and I am the lucky one taking him, which means Richard is on hospital duty.

Restoring a Little Balance

Welcome to 2016!  Well we nearly welcomed in the new year from a hospital bed - another narrow escape.  Hugo's temperature went up during the early evening.  It wasn't quite high enough for immediate action so we kept an eye on it with crossed fingers.  It fluctuated for a couple of hours before coming down and staying down, much to our relief.  We felt very fortunate to have avoided a hospital stay again and it was lovely to have both boys tucked up in their own beds as we saw in the new year, albeit with no fizz - just in case a hospital dash became necessary.