So this is Christmas

It was a close call, the week leading up to Christmas had seen 4 hospital visits, only one of which had been scheduled, but we made it through Christmas with no hospital stays, yay!

Phase 4 Part 2

So we are now in the second part of phase 4.  Along with the cyclophosphamide, Friday's visit to GOSH saw us restarting the dreaded mecaptopurine.  Another 2 weeks of the yucky, nil by mouth chemo that Hugo really dislikes.

He's Back!

Hugo is back!  After a week or so of being completely wiped out, he has turned a corner.

Tough Days

We are now halfway through phase 4, delayed intensification.

Hugo has finished the second week of steroids, which again saw disturbed nights with painful legs and tummy.  He has been completely wiped out and has spent most of the last week lying on the sofa with his precious bunny.  He is still neutropenic so we are on edge, expecting him to come down with an infection and the thermometer has been in regular use.

A New Altered World

Today was not a good day, today was pretty awful.

Today Richard had to go into work early.  This meant I was on my own with the boys, rushing around trying to get us all ready and out of the door at a decent time.  It meant I had to take a tired, listless, neutropenic Hugo on the school run which is something I would really have rather avoided.  But that's not why it was awful.

A Badly Decorated Christmas Tree

We are currently 17 days into phase 4, delayed intensification.  During that time Hugo has had 5 scheduled hospital trips and 9 different drugs administered in a variety of ways.